Anti-aging Facials With PCA Professional™ Clinical Treatments

Aging is something that happens to everyone in life. Every day, we age a little more- it is a constant part of life. Even now, you are a little older than you were when you first started to read this sentence. But signs of aging are much more gradual- they get more prominent with time. This can depend on a variety of different factors. Things like your environment, how much sun you get, how damaged your skin is, genetics, and how you treated your skin in your youth can all play a part. But while it is an inevitable part of life, there is absolutely no reason why you should not be able to age gracefully. After all, there is nothing wrong with preventing premature aging in your skin. PCA Professional treatments and facials are a great tool to use to make sure that you treat your skin well! They help to reduce signs of aging and make sure that you keep your youthful, lively skin for as long as possible.

What is a PCA Professional Treatment?

Well, to put it as simply as possible a PCA Professional Treatment is a particular type of anti-aging facial. It relies on being used in conjunction with the proper products to achieve the best results possible. PCA offers a variety of chemical peel facials that can combat aging, discoloration, acne, or even skin sensitivity. PCA Professional™ Products work well to help reduce the depth of any surface lines on your face and assist in cleaning acne and blemished skin. They are carefully and specially formulated as well, to ensure that you actually get the results that you are paying for. The products from PCA Skin treatments are meant to loosen and lift off the dead surface skin and let your healthy skin reign supreme to give you a lovely glow, and a smooth texture, and overall keep your epidermis as healthy as skin care can make it.

How Our Anti-Aging Facial Works

Through a mix of a variety of ingredients (like lactic, azelaic, and kojic acid), the PCA Professional Anti-Aging Facial is designed to be a superficial, medium penetration treatment. This means simply that it primarily works on a surface level, but does still penetrate through the skin to work its magic. It helps to exfoliate the skin, moderate its hydration, and will leave you with a lovely, bright glow and even tone.

How To Care For Your Skin Pre Treatment

Using the daily use products that PCA provides in the weeks before your appointment with us will help to guarantee that you will reap the most benefits out of the treatment and facial you possibly can. It will help to ensure that your skin is properly prepped and balanced for this facial. Because of this, you want to call in to consult about this treatment a few weeks before your appointment. This is so that you can discuss the proper routine and products you will need, as well as to ensure that your skin needs will be met accordingly. Speaking with a dermatologist about your needs beforehand, and seeing what they recommend, can be extremely helpful moving forward.

Caring For Your Skin Post Treatment

Once the treatment is over, you will need to also utilize the post-treatment care products. These products are specifically and specially designed to be used after these chemical peels. You will even find that your skin care specialist, clinician, or dermatologist should be able to determine the products that will be best for your post-treatment. So make sure to consult them on this as well.

Why This Treatment Is Right For You

If age is something that you struggle with, whether it is because you dislike the way it looks, you find it difficult to accept your golden years or you simply find discomfort in the way your skin feels as you age, you will find that a state of the art treatment that is scientifically proven to help protect your skin from aging to fast is just the thing that you need to get the lovely, glowing skin that you want. For the first couple of weeks leading up to your appointment, you will even have your skin care regimen laid out for you, as well as the next few weeks after. This is a treatment that is designed to ensure that you get every benefit you can out of it, and you may find that it is well worth the cost.

Put your skin first when you come and visit Cameo Salon & Spa. You can make an appointment today and let our expert skin care specialists and estheticians give you the treatment and advice you need to receive the anti-aging facial you are looking for. You can find us at 1817 Collier Parkway in Lutz, FL, call us at (813) 948-7411, or book your appointment online with our convenient scheduling tool. You can also get exciting rewards easily and quickly by becoming a member of our Rewards Program and earning exclusive rewards! Join online today!